Unit 1: The Myths - Humanities | Expanding Horizon in English Creative Writing


Question Answer

Q. No. 1: What are Myths?

Answer: Myths are universal and timeless stories that reflect and shape our lives — they explore our desires, our fears, our longings, and provide narratives that remind us what it means to be human.The Myths series brings together some of the world's finest writers, each of whom has retold a myth in a contemporary and memorable way.
myth is any traditional story consisting of events that are ostensibly historical, explaining the origins of a cultural practice or natural phenomenon. The word "myth" is derived from the Greek word mythos (μῦθος), which simply means "story". Mythology can refer either to the study of myths, or to a body or collection of myths. Myth can mean 'sacred story', 'traditional narrative' or 'tale of the gods'. A myth can also be a story to explain why something exists.
Human cultures' mythologies usually include a cosmological or creation myth, concerning the origins of the world, or how the world came to exist. The active beings in myths are generally gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines, or animals and plants. Most myths are set in a timeless past before recorded time or beginning of the critical history. A myth can be a story involving symbols that are capable of multiple meanings.
A myth is a sacred narrative because it holds religious or spiritual significance for those who tell it. Myths also contribute to and express a culture's systems of thought and values, such as the myth of gremlins invented by aircraft technicians during World War II to avoid apportioning blame. Myths are often therefore stories that are currently understood as being exaggerated or fictitious.

Q. No. 2: How do Nordic Myths describe the rain? 

Ans: Nordic Myths describe the rain associate with Thor and his hammer. According to the myths Thor rode across the sky in a chariot drawn by two goats. When he swung his hammer it made thunder and lightning with the thunder and lightning there is also a rain which is necessary to farmers to grow corn in the fields. Therefore, the farmers believed that rain was the cause of Thor; he was awe of the important of the Norse gods.

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विद्यार्थी भाइबहिनीहरु यस वेवसाइट निर्माणाधीन अवस्थामा रहेकाले अघिकांश पाठका उत्तरहरु समेटिएका नहुन सक्छन् । तसर्थ त्यस्ता पाठका उत्तरहरु हामी छिट्टै लिएर आउने बाचा गर्दछौं । कुनै-कुनै शब्दहरु अशुद्व वा गलत उत्तर भएको हुनसक्छ । यदि त्यस्ता त्रुटीहरु देखिएमा हामीलाई जानकारी दिन नहिच्किचाउनुहोला । हामी सबै मिलेर यस शेेैक्षिक ब्लगलाई सफलता दिलाउन सक्छौँ । साथै, कुनै शिक्षक साथीहरूलाई विभिन्न तहका भाइबहिनीलाई शिक्षणसिकाईमा सहज पुर्‍याउन इच्छा छ भने हामीलाई नोटहरु उपलब्ध गराएर सहयोग गरिदिनुहोला । हामी तपाईंको नाम राखेर प्रकाशित गर्नेछौँ ।

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