How to Write a TV News Script [English for Mass Communication]


Writing a TV news script is not as easy as it might seem at first. You might think that all you need to do is cover the simple five W's and one H (who, what, where, when, why and how), but it's actually more complex than that.

Writing a news script is structural and strict in a sense that you need to cover all the facts. However, it is also predictable because there's a certain pattern that needs to be followed.

Parts of a News Script

Writing for a TV newscast is a challenge and it could be difficult at first. Knowing the main parts of the script will help.

1. Introduction, or "The Readers".

This is the first 30 seconds, an introduction read by the news anchor in the studio. It is commonly called RDR or "The Readers". There are no videos included in the script yet, only a photo of the headline and the anchorperson is seen on the TV screen.
  • Lead. A lead (spelled lede by journalists) is a one-line thesis statement of the report. It consists of one sentence. It introduces the main topic of the script.
  • Five W's and one H. These are the; who, what, where, when, why and how questions. Answers to these basic questions are briefly written for the RDR and are assessed one by one in the body of the report.
  • Writing the RDR. Since the readers or RDR only lasts for 30 seconds, it has to be substantial. But you do not need to squeeze too much of the message into one paragraph. Here is a guide on how to write the RDR:  
  • Use simple but compelling words. The lead is the first sentence that the anchor says, so it has to be inviting. The viewers, upon hearing the lead, should be hooked to watch the whole report or segment. Use words that appeal to the senses and interests of the viewers.
  • One thought at a time. The viewers will only hear the RDR once. It's vital to keep sentences short but clear. Limit sentences to 15 words or less because it is easier to digest and reveal the idea of the story using simple and clear information.
  • Do not say 'quote.' If the headline is about what the President said, never use phrases such as "...and I quote". Remember that you need to give a succinct message, or it could create confusion for the viewers.
  • Cover only the main thought of the report. Analyze the story carefully and identify what particular W questions you should provide answers to in The Readers. It may only need three W's and one H to project the story summary in the introduction.
  • Introduce the name of the reporter. Include in the script whoever is the reporter of the story. If he is reporting live in an area, recognize that so and so is reporting live, from such and such a place in the script, and if it's an exclusive report, specify this in the script too, because the reporter deserves a credit.

2 Body.

This is the meat of the report. Writing a script for the body is a bit complicated, especially if it is your first time. The technique for writing this part of the script is to digest the information mentioned in the RDR.

This is the meat of the report. Writing a script for the body is a bit complicated, especially if it is your first time. The technique for writing this part of the script is to digest the information mentioned in the RDR.

1. Components of the Body: 
  • Videos. These are the footage caught by the videographer and reporter during the day. It may also include file videos from past news reports or from online video sharing sites.
  • Voice Over. This is the reporter's voice reading the script as the video plays.
  • Natural Sound. This the background noise of the location of the event or report. It may be the quietness of a night, tidal surges of the flood, or the sounds of a New Year's fireworks. These are also called "natsots".
  • Interviews. Every report has interviews. The reporter might have gotten plenty of interviews but the interviews should be limited. Include at least two interviews in the body of the report.
  • Piece to Camera. This is the reporter directly talking to the camera. It may be live or recorded, and can also called a "stand-up".
  • Pictures. Pictures are used when there are important events, statistics or any factors that should be included in the report. These include sketches, screen captures from public information sites, or old photos.
  • The news report usually has a maximum of three minutes of story-telling time. Sometimes it is less, sometimes more. The script must explain the necessary details in that time frame.
2. Conclusion
This last part of the report includes a temporary resolution to the story. Never leave the audience hanging. Always include a statement that gives a follow-up information or assurance to the viewers.

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