Articles - A, An, The, No Article and Examples

Articles - A, An, The, No Article and Examples

A - AN :

 and  an  are  indefinite articles  used to refer to a singular countable noun. 
An  indefinite article means that we do not know which one, or it is not important
to know it.

Which one to use:  'a' or 'an'?
The rule states that “a” should be used before words that begin with consonants
(b, c ,d etc.) while “an” should be used before words that begin with vowels (a,e,i, etc.).
It should be noted, however, that the usage is determined by the pronunciation and
not by the spelling, and this includes abbreviations and acronyms.
To simplify, one uses 'a' before a word that begins with a consonant SOUND,
and 'an' before a word that begins with a vowel SOUND.

A is used before:
• a consonant (b, c, d, f, g, etc.)     
car/ hotel
• a vowel that is pronounced like "yu"             a European/a university
• the vowel 'o' when it has a "w" sound one-way street

An is used before:
• a vowel  (a, e, i, etc.):          an animal/an elevator
• an unaspirated 'h':    an hour/an honest man
• abbreviations starting with a vowel sound: an MBA ('em' sound)


The is a definite article used to talk about something  specific.
  • The town where Julie lives is very big.
  • What book is Julie reading? She's reading the book Tom gave her.
The is also used to refer to:
  • Rivers, seas, oceans :
    • the Mississippi river, the Mediterranean sea, the Atlantic ocean
  • Nationalities :
    • the British,  the Americans, the Japanese,  the Chinese, etc.


No article is used in generalisations:
  • I like music
  • Caviar is expensive.
  • Exceptions :
  • I watch television but I listen to the radio and I go to the cinema.
  • I don't play tennis but I play the piano, the guitar, etc.
No article is used for  place names (towns, countries, mountains) :
  • London, Spain, Mount Everest
  • Except if plural :
  • The Greek islands, The United States, The Alps, The Himalayas

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विद्यार्थी भाइबहिनीहरु यस वेवसाइट निर्माणाधीन अवस्थामा रहेकाले अघिकांश पाठका उत्तरहरु समेटिएका नहुन सक्छन् । तसर्थ त्यस्ता पाठका उत्तरहरु हामी छिट्टै लिएर आउने बाचा गर्दछौं । कुनै-कुनै शब्दहरु अशुद्व वा गलत उत्तर भएको हुनसक्छ । यदि त्यस्ता त्रुटीहरु देखिएमा हामीलाई जानकारी दिन नहिच्किचाउनुहोला । हामी सबै मिलेर यस शेेैक्षिक ब्लगलाई सफलता दिलाउन सक्छौँ । साथै, कुनै शिक्षक साथीहरूलाई विभिन्न तहका भाइबहिनीलाई शिक्षणसिकाईमा सहज पुर्‍याउन इच्छा छ भने हामीलाई नोटहरु उपलब्ध गराएर सहयोग गरिदिनुहोला । हामी तपाईंको नाम राखेर प्रकाशित गर्नेछौँ ।

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