Collection of Inspiring Quotes by Charlie Chaplin

Collection of Inspiring Quotes by Charlie Chaplin
Collection of Inspiring Quotes by Charlie Chaplin
Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin KBE was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame in the era of silent film. He became a worldwide icon through his screen persona, "The Tramp", and is considered one of the most important figures in the history of the film industry.  
A day without laughter is a day wasted. - Charlie Chaplin
A tramp, a gentleman, a poet, a dreamer, a lonely fellow, always hopeful of romance and adventure. - Charlie Chaplin 
To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain, and play with it! - Charlie Chaplin
Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot. - Charlie Chaplin
Nothing is permanent in this wicked world - not even our troubles. - Charlie Chaplin
A man's true character comes out when he's drunk. - Charlie Chaplin
Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself. - Charlie Chaplin
We think too much and feel too little. - Charlie Chaplin
I do not have much patience with a thing of beauty that must be explained to be understood. If it does need additional interpretation by someone other than the creator, then I question whether it has fulfilled its purpose. - Charlie Chaplin
Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain. - Charlie Chaplin
Life could be wonderful if people would leave you alone. - Charlie Chaplin
We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other's happiness, not by each other's misery. - Charlie Chaplin
In the end, everything is a gag. - Charlie Chaplin
Man as an individual is a genius. But men in the mass form the headless monster, a great, brutish idiot that goes where prodded. - Charlie Chaplin
The saddest thing I can imagine is to get used to luxury. - Charlie Chaplin

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