Women’s Business – Ilene Kantrov : Summary

Women’s Business – Ilene Kantrov : Summary

Women’s Business

Ilene Kantrov
Women’s business is an essay written by Ilene Kantrov which is about some women from the United States of America who have been successful in business. It tells about other business women who followed Lydia’s footsteps. It deals the subject of how women took part in the business and what things were produced and sold by them. 
In the beginning of this essay the writer describes about the business method of Lydia E Pinkham. In 1879 she appeared in the newspaper advertisement by advertising a remedy for “falling of the womb and all female weakness.”The medicine produced by her was known as Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable compound. She prepared the product by using traditional methods. She not only advertised for her product but also put forward women’s rights, temperance and fiscal reforms. She also opened a department of advice and suggested other women about diet, exercise and hygiene. 
She also printed testimonials from women reporting cures. She also advertised in courageous manner. As a result of such bold marketing, her she became very famous. In the following century some other women also followed her business pattern. Among them two were Helena Rubinstein and Elizabeth Arden. They competed not only in selling cosmetics but also in luring {attracting) publicity by their marriages to European aristocrats. 
Elizabeth Arden also produced different facial treatments. She also practiced and advocated yoga. Her rival A Helena Rubinstein also published a book explaining the benefits of eating raw foods. Margaret Rudkin and Jennie Grossinger were other to women entrepreneurs that followed Lydia.E.Pinkham’s business pattern. Grossinger ran hotel in upstairs New York renowned for its food and entertainment. She had also hired a public relations man Margatet Rudkin produced additive free wheat bread that was very helpful to person suffering from asthma. At first she had baked such bread as diet for her asthmatic son. Next entrepreneur was Gertrude Muller who invented the “toidey seat”. With her products She also enclosed her booklets about childrearing. One of her booklets was also distributed by doctors. 
Next black female capitalist Annie Turnbo Malone also cast herself in the role of social activist .Her business was on a hair dressing preparation. She developed an innovative marketing strategy .She also established a school for training agents in her porosystem of hairdressing. Like other capitalist she also started advising other women about hygiene .Thrift and other homely virtues.

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विद्यार्थी भाइबहिनीहरु यस वेवसाइट निर्माणाधीन अवस्थामा रहेकाले अघिकांश पाठका उत्तरहरु समेटिएका नहुन सक्छन् । तसर्थ त्यस्ता पाठका उत्तरहरु हामी छिट्टै लिएर आउने बाचा गर्दछौं । कुनै-कुनै शब्दहरु अशुद्व वा गलत उत्तर भएको हुनसक्छ । यदि त्यस्ता त्रुटीहरु देखिएमा हामीलाई जानकारी दिन नहिच्किचाउनुहोला । हामी सबै मिलेर यस शेेैक्षिक ब्लगलाई सफलता दिलाउन सक्छौँ । साथै, कुनै शिक्षक साथीहरूलाई विभिन्न तहका भाइबहिनीलाई शिक्षणसिकाईमा सहज पुर्‍याउन इच्छा छ भने हामीलाई नोटहरु उपलब्ध गराएर सहयोग गरिदिनुहोला । हामी तपाईंको नाम राखेर प्रकाशित गर्नेछौँ ।

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